10 Summer Activities for Supported Living Providers

Summer activities

Summer is a wonderful time for supported living providers to engage residents in a variety of activities which promote well-being, social interaction and enjoyment of the season. Here are ten summer activities which can enhance the lives of those in supported living environments.

1. Gardening Projects

Gardening is a therapeutic activity which can be enjoyed by people of all ages and abilities. Providers can organise gardening sessions where residents plant flowers, vegetables or herbs. This not only beautifies the living space but also provides a sense of accomplishment as they watch their plants grow and flourish.

2. Outdoor Picnics

Organising a picnic in a nearby park or garden can be a delightful way to spend a sunny day. Residents can help prepare simple meals and enjoy eating together in a relaxed outdoor setting. It is a great opportunity for socialising and enjoying nature.

3. Arts and Crafts

Summer-themed arts and crafts sessions can be both fun and creative. Activities such as painting, making summer decorations or creating personal scrapbooks can help residents express themselves and engage in a meaningful way.

4. Fitness and Exercise Classes

Staying active is important for overall health. Providers can arrange outdoor fitness classes such as yoga, tai chi or gentle aerobics. These activities can be adapted to suit different abilities and are a great way to enjoy the warm weather while staying fit.

5. Music and Dance Sessions

Music has a universal appeal and can be very uplifting. Hosting music and dance sessions, whether it is a live performance, a sing-along or just playing residents’ favourite tunes, can boost spirits and encourage movement.

6. Day Trips

Summer is perfect for day trips to local attractions such as zoos, museums or beaches. These outings provide a change of scenery and a chance to experience something new. Ensure the destinations are accessible and suitable for all participants.

7. Cooking Classes

Cooking classes focusing on summer recipes can be both educational and enjoyable. Residents can learn to make salads, smoothies or even homemade ice cream. It is a great way to promote healthy eating and improve culinary skills.

8. Outdoor Games

Games, e.g. rounders, croquet or even simple relay races, can be set up easily in outdoor spaces. These activities are not only fun but also promote physical activity and teamwork.

9. Movie Nights

Setting up an outdoor movie night can be a magical experience. Choose a classic or a popular film, provide some snacks, and create a cosy viewing area with blankets and cushions. It is a relaxing way to spend a summer evening.

10. Pet Therapy

Many people find comfort and joy in the presence of animals. Arranging for pet therapy sessions where residents can interact with friendly, trained animals can provide emotional support and a lot of happiness.

How ECCO Can Help

Integrating ECCO Solutions can greatly facilitate the organisation and management of these activities, ensuring a smooth and efficient process.

Scheduling and Resource Allocation: ECCO’s scheduling module helps allocate staff resources effectively and track care compliance. This ensures that there are enough staff members available to support each activity, enhancing the overall experience for residents​.

  1. Customizable Case Management: ECCO’s case management modules can be tailored to include details of each resident’s preferences and needs. This helps in planning activities which are inclusive and cater to the diverse interests of all participants​.
  2. Communication and Coordination: With ECCO, staff can easily communicate and coordinate through integrated team meeting logs and communication tools. This ensures everyone is on the same page and activities are well-organised​.
  3. Outcome Monitoring: ECCO’s outcome monitoring features allow providers to track the effectiveness of the activities and gather feedback from residents. This data can be used continually to improve and adapt the activities better to meet the needs of the community.
  4. Mobile Access: ECCO’s compatibility with all devices and browsers means that staff can access schedules, resident information and activity plans on the go. This flexibility ensures that care providers can manage activities efficiently, whether they are in the office or out in the community​.

By incorporating ECCO’s advanced software solutions, supported living providers can streamline the planning and execution of summer activities, ultimately enhancing the quality of life for their residents.