Benefits of ECCO

  • Real time reporting including client outcomes
  • Customisation and integration
  • Support planning and risk management
  • For organisations who offer a range of support services
  • SMART outcome focused support plans
  • Health and safety buildings management
  • 24 / 7 Support
  • Online client file library
  • Ongoing support for customisation for the duration of your licence agreement
  • State of the art audit logs
  • Management KLOE dashboards
  • Request the development of new features
  • Different service pathway designs
  • APIs to support your integration as required
  • Group support recording
  • HACT social value monitoring
  • Any necessary staff training required
  • Incident reporting and safeguarding pathways
  • Service charge payments module
  • Visit scheduling for sheltered accommodation

Some key features of ECCO

  • Housing Support

    The housing support module focuses on the on-site housing management and compliance. Particularly where tenant engagement is involved. While other housing management systems focus on the financial side of things, ECCO focuses on health and safety compliance and team communications.

    ECCO’s housing support module includes team meeting logs, communication between staff, building based health and safety checks, repairs and attachments. One big benefit in using ECCO is the fact you can include the client and on-site staff in the process of managing the environment, which isn’t possible with other housing management systems.

  • Client Support “Auxiliary” Service Pathways

    ECCO’s client support service pathway revolutionises the way in which a client file is managed by offering additional, customisable case management modules such as incident reporting, safeguarding logs, complaints and more.

    Just like the rest of the ECCO system it can be tailored to your individual service needs and KPIs. What sets this module apart, however, is the fact that you can safeguard your clients’ records by setting access permissions. This way you can ensure only people with the relevant permissions have access to confidential information and all your clients’ data is stored correctly.

  • Scheduling

    ECCO’s scheduling module is good for allocating staff resources and tracking care compliance. It can work for any service setup whether its a charity, homelessness service provider or learning disability support. The key differences in the module is that it provides outcomes in a more “task based way” to ensure basic needs are met, rather than overarching support goals to improve the quality of life of your clients.

    As well as our rota module, ECCO offers the functionality to support your staff too. With this mode a staff member can be supported in the same way that a client can. Outcome focused support plans become action based supervisions, and training records. Attachments can be used for recruitment or HR documentation.