The Impact of the 2023 Cost-of-Living Crisis on Rehoming Vulnerable Adults in the UK

Crying man being consoled

2023 has been a tough year for most of us but spare a thought for those who were already living on the fringes of society before the pandemic, the war in Ukraine and the dovetailing economy took hold. While the crisis has taken a toll on various aspects of daily life, one of the most concerning consequences has been its impact on the rehoming of vulnerable adults.

As inflation soars, housing costs escalate, and essential services become more expensive, vulnerable adults find themselves facing increased difficulties in finding secure and affordable housing solutions and as things get even worse, more and more of us are spiralling into poverty and might become vulnerable ourselves. There is hope, of course, but before we get there, let’s look at how we got here.

Escalating Housing Costs

For vulnerable adults, who often depend on social housing or assistance programs, skyrocketing house costs have translated into a severe shortage of available and affordable accommodation options. With many unable to meet the financial demands of private rentals or mortgages, the already limited pool of social housing properties has failed to keep up with demand.

As property prices continue to surge, local councils and housing authorities also struggle to allocate adequate funds to provide housing for vulnerable adults. Budget constraints, caused in part by rising inflation and economic uncertainty, have hindered the expansion of many housing programs, leaving vulnerable adults without a stable place to call home.

Impact on Support Services

The cost-of-living crisis has had a domino effect on support services ranging from mental health support to those living with disabilities. As the government grapples with budget limitations, support services may experience funding cuts or reduced capacities, making it harder for vulnerable adults to find access to the housing and support they need.

With inflation affecting essential commodities, organisations that offer food and shelter to vulnerable adults will also find themselves stretched incredibly thin. The rising prices of food, utilities, and other necessities mean that these support services must allocate more resources to meet basic needs, leaving fewer funds available for rehoming initiatives and improving living conditions.

Mental Health and Well-being

The inability to secure stable housing takes a severe toll on the mental health and well-being of vulnerable adults. Uncertainty about housing can lead to increased anxiety and stress, exacerbating existing mental health conditions.

The lack of secure accommodation options can result in unstable living conditions, increased isolation, and a feeling of hopelessness, all of which can contribute to a decline in mental health. Those facing financial hardships may also find it challenging to access mental health services due to long waiting lists or reduced availability of affordable counselling options.

The ECCO Solution

While there is no single bandage big enough to fix this problem, one way the social housing sector can make things a little better for everyone impacted is to run more effectively and efficiently. ECCO has built a digital management software package designed with supported accommodation very much in mind.

It’s expertly tailored to help digitise and manage workflow and does so using the latest analytical tools. ECCO’s system also includes safeguarding solutions for client records, meaning you can ensure only the people with relevant permissions have access to a client’s digital records.

Contact us today and our team will get you sorted with a free ECCO demo and explore exactly what the software can offer your enterprise.