In Their Shoes: A Day in the Life of Someone in Supported Housing

Supported housing walkthrough

Supported housing is often misunderstood, with many misconceptions surrounding its purpose and the lives of those who live in it. For some, there’s an automatic stigma attached which is completely unearned and unfair. People slip through the cracks for all kinds of reasons and it’s thanks to supported housing and associated programmes that many of those people are given the opportunity to find their footing and be embraced by wider society.

To truly understand what it’s like, sometimes you must walk a mile in someone else’s shoes – or, in this case, spend a day in their life.


The sunlight filters through the curtains as the clock strikes seven. In one of the many supported housing communities across the UK, Sarah begins her typical day. Like many, she lives here due to a variety of challenges, ranging from physical disabilities to debilitating mental health issues.

Sarah, with a history of anxiety and depression, finds solace in the structure and community that supported housing provides. She wakes up and starts her day with a simple routine. A key worker stops by to check in on her, one of the many support staff assigned to ensure residents’ well-being. Today, they discuss Sarah’s medication and her plans for the day.

While Sarah may live in a supported environment, her mornings look quite similar to many others in the UK. There’s breakfast, perhaps a chat with a neighbour, and maybe a rough plan for the day ahead.


By 10 a.m., Sarah is attending an on-site therapy session. Supported housing often offers easy access to counselling and therapy for residents who need it. These sessions provide a safe space for her to discuss her challenges, goals, and everyday life. It’s a crucial part of her healing and growth process.

Post therapy, Sarah heads to the communal lounge, where many residents gather to socialise. It’s here that the true essence of supported housing shines. There’s an atmosphere of mutual understanding, devoid of judgement, where residents can bond over shared experiences.


Sarah often volunteers at the community garden in the afternoon. It’s a way for her to give back and feel connected to the world around her. Activities such as gardening not only promote a sense of purpose but also have therapeutic benefits.

Lunchtime is often a communal affair. Residents can choose to cook in their own flat or join others. Today, Sarah joins a cooking group where they decide to make a traditional British meal. While cooking, conversations revolve around recent happenings, upcoming activities, and shared memories.


Supported housing is not just about the support within its walls, but also integrating residents back into the wider community. Sarah attends a pottery class at a local community centre, facilitated by her supported housing scheme. Such outings help in building her confidence and skills, making the eventual transition to independent living smoother.

As dusk sets in, there are workshops and support groups that run within the housing complex. Today, Sarah attends a group focusing on building life skills, like budgeting and job searching. Dinner is a quiet affair, sometimes shared with friends she’s made over the past months. They chat, laugh, and sometimes share the challenges they’ve faced. It’s a bond forged from mutual understanding and shared experiences.


Before heading to bed, Sarah spends some quiet time in her flat, reflecting on her day. There’s the comfort of knowing that in case of any need, be it medical or emotional, support is just a call away.

A sense of safety and community is what sets supported housing apart. While the specifics of each person’s day might differ, the overarching theme is the same: it provides a safe, supportive environment that enables residents to heal, grow, and eventually reintegrate into society at their own pace.

The ECCO Solution

The day in the life of someone in supported housing in the UK is filled with its own set of routines, challenges, and joys. It’s about finding a balance between independence and the support that’s needed.

The goal of these environments is to nurture, rehabilitate and provide the tools necessary for individuals to build a brighter, more independent future. To help people like Sarah truly get the best out of their life in supported housing, however, planning is paramount.

Embracing digital planning can lead to more efficient and effective services, ultimately enhancing the well-being and development of individuals living in supported and shared housing. ECCO has built a digital management software package designed specifically for this use case and is expertly tailored to help digitise and manage the workflow at institutions such as supported accommodation facilities.

Contact us today and our team will get you sorted with a free ECCO demo and explore exactly what the software has to offer.

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