Case Study on ECCO’s non-contact reporting – Creative Support

Software for supported housing

As an all-in-one solution, it can prove tempting to focus on how ECCO can help with your support needs as a complete package without singling out the granular features that make it such a powerful and compelling option for so many users.

One feature that has been impressing our clients and partners is our non-contact reporting, which allows landlords and other social housing staff to remotely monitor and inform residents and offer a helping hand without feeling like a helicopter parent.

When it comes to social housing for more vulnerable members of society, the ability to provide consistent and reliable support is just as important as the quality of the housing itself, particularly for vulnerable individuals. Today, we’ll be exploring how one of our partners has been using our non-contact reporting to do just that.

Creative Support

Creative Support is a non-profit business that promotes independence, inclusion, and overall wellbeing for those in the support sector. They work closely with residents in supported housing and their families to provide industry-leading support and innovation. They are also an organisation that believes the application of technology is crucial in giving social housing residents and landlords alike the best possible experience and that’s why they were such a natural partner for ECCO.

Creative Support uses ECCO as the main file for the people they support across a range of services including supported living and community support. Tracey Cornhill, Service Mobilisation and Development Manager at Creative Support, had this to say about how they use Ecco’s non contact reporting to monitor and respond to client welfare in their mental health services:-

“Having accessible files when overseeing multiple services has been essential for ensuring oversight and governance. By utilising the non-contact report as part of service handovers we ensure the people we support have regular contact as per their support plans and any concerns are escalated in a timely manner.

We have certain fields set as mandatory when staff are recording entries on a support file so that all services can use the non-contact report. The running of the report takes seconds and gives staff oversight of the last status of the individual and when they were last seen.

Where entries highlight concerns, the quick view option to check the file means senior staff can follow up promptly and evidence this. Additionally, ECCO provides us with assurances of how regularly staff are accessing files and when they record information should there be any concerns identified. The ECCO reports mean that we have more time to dedicate to supporting people and reduce our administrative time, they also highlight issues promptly which keeps people safe.”

The ECCO Solution

ECCO has built a digital management software package designed specifically for the supported housing sector that is engineered to make life better for the millions of people in the UK in supported living. It’s a smart, approachable, and flexible system that brings all data points together into a cohesive package and allows staff more free time to focus on what really matters – the people.

Contact us today and our team will get you sorted with a free ECCO demo and explore exactly what the software can offer your enterprise.