Don’t just take our word for it

ECCO is being used by third sector organisations, housing associations, homelessness services, and not-for-profit organisations to support over 10,000 clients with more than 750 different services configured in the software.

“ECCO staff ensured the software worked for us, and as a consequence we are confident we will remain at the forefront of service delivery. Our use of the software will support future bids as ECCO seems well able to cope with the ever changing government agenda. Furthermore ECCO has enabled us to use the latest developments in internet based technology.”

Get started from as little as £3.00 per user per week

  • Business Support Manager

    "We have been using ECCO software since 2012. Its clear graphical interface and intuitive work flow meant that ECCO was soon popular with our staff.

    ​During that time ECCO has enabled us to, evidence the support we are giving, more effectively support our clients and win new contracts.

    We currently contract with a variety of commissioners including (but not exclusively) Children in Need, Tudor Trust, Lloyds TSB Foundation, Tier 1 and Tier 2 local authorities plus others. From a management perspective it is difficult to see how we could have delivered our new services without it.

    The potential efficiency savings are considerable as we have moved to a largely paperless system and our staff have been able to spend more time delivering outcomes with relevant information always to hand. We have, I believe more than covered the cost of the licence fee."

  • Supported Housing Manager

    "ECCO staff ensured the software worked for us, and as a consequence we are confident we will remain at the forefront of service delivery. Our use of the software will support future bids as ECCO seems well able to cope with the ever changing government agenda. Furthermore ECCO has enabled us to use the latest developments in internet based technology."

  • Senior Procurement Manager

    "After our evaluation process we had no difficulty in deciding to use ECCO software for our Individual Support services. ECCO was our first choice supplier and system when comparing each against one another.

    ​ECCO is user-friendly and has a great visual look. Our customers felt they could be more involved in their support plan, even completing the details themselves on the system. ECCO has an intuitive workflow and appears well able to support future requirements such as personalisation. As the system collates information this will make producing evidence/statistics/outcomes much easier and the possibility of linking up with relevant services through the system (Supporting People, Local Authorities, Referring Agencies) will simplify multi-agency working. We are impressed by the people at ECCO. They have expertise in the supported housing market, are able to interpret our needs and talk in plain English."

  • Independence and Opportunity Manager

    "We had used ECCO for over two years to support delivery of our Employment Support Service and Travel Training Service, however our new Managing Director who had previous web-based system experience wanted to introduce an electronic system throughout all services.

    After much research and discussion with ECCO and other workflow, the decision to roll ECCO out multi-agency. This was due the flexible nature of the system, the ability to add or remove services with little notice and even change the flow and outcomes collected."
